Friday, January 19, 2007

Speed: leaving New Abbey Road out?

After reading about the great news on the speed limit changes on Kilcullen's approach roads, I'd like to know when New Abbey Road will get similar treatment.

The traffic on this road is heavy and fast. Traffic can travel at 100km/h up to the Church, where the first speed limit sign is located. It is the link road for Dunlavin and Brannockstown through Kilcullen to the motorways.

The road itself has a lot of bad bends, hills and little margin. There have been a lot of accidents and near-ones on this road over the years.

The road is heavily used by walkers, going to the graveyards or doing the Milemill Loop. And some going to Markeys! The roadside path that runs to McGarry's Lane is grand in fine weather but at the moment is muddy and not usable.

We have petitioned local Councillors on numerous occasions to post a 50km/h sign near the Old Cemetery bend, but to date, no changes have been made.

Does anyone in the Council have any update for us?


Jim Collins

ED NOTE: Jim, don't hold your breath waiting for a response from the Council. Since the Diary's inauguration two years ago, I have raised a large number of 'I will revert on the matter' answers to specific queries I have raised, only a very tiny percentage of which were followed by any subsequent answer. Much as they would hate me to say it, Kildare County Council is a strong adherent of the 'Mushroom Principle' when dealing with its customers.