Season's Greetings through the Diary
I would like to send Christmas greetings to all I know back in Kilcullen. This blog has been a fantastic link to my old town and I love to check in almost every day. In fact my dad (Bobby Walker) is always surprised when we talk, that I seem to know more about what is going on than he does.
Keep up the good work and I for one will keep reading. I enclose a seasonal picture of my wife Jill and son Marc.
Merry Christmas to all I know.
Ray Walker,
Emmaus, PA, USA.
Thanks a million for all your hard work in 2006 with the Diary.
Can you please send season’s greetings to two friends that are away from home this Christmas
Firstly, Fionnuala (Finbar) O’Reilly who is living in Bristol. She is a big fan of the Diary as it keeps her in touch with all the happenings around the town. We would just like to with her and John a very happy Christmas and we hope to see them over the Christmas.
Also Karen (Turbo) Walsh was now lives in Australia with her son Christopher. All of us here wish them both a very happy Christmas and New Year.
Thanks again, Brian, for all you do.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to reading all the news about Kilcullen in the New Year.
Best Wishes
Red & Tubber
Hello Brian,
Season’s Greetings from Silicon Valley, California. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog. You bring great joy with your articles and photos.
All the best
Susan Catan (nee Patterson)
Mountain View, California.
Hi Brian,
I see you are taking a break for the season, Well, if you are back up and running before Jan 6th, I'd really appreciate if you could give our reunion a final plug! We've made contact with about 3/4 of the class and hope to see as many as possible there on the night.
Thanks a million
Breda McHale
*Reunion of the Leaving Cert. class of 1982 from Cross & Passion College on Saturday January 6th 2007 from 8pm at The Hideout Pub, Kilcullen.
This date is the 25th anniversary of our Debs and that's why we thought it would be appropriate! We hope families of girls no longer living locally would pick up the date/venue and remind them. We have successfully made contact with about 3/4 of the class and hope as many as possible will be able to come along.
Any enquiries to Breda McHale (nee McGing) at 086 4052147 or Monica Gorman at 086 2998146.