More danger on red
In July of this year, the Diary contacted Kildare County Council about concerns expressed by motorists trying to turn right into the Chapel Road at the Hideout traffic lights.
The situation was clearly shown in a story about the problem.
The Council's spokesman promised to 'ask our roads people to advise on this' and that the Editor would be notified of the answer.Needless to say, no answer was ever forthcoming, presumably because the 'roads people' did not 'advise'. Instead, this week, the Council has erected a new filter light. But one which doesn't in any way deal with the original problem. The new one is placed to give traffic coming from the Curragh Road an extra chance to turn left into the Main Street.
And which merely eliminates yet another chance for frustrated pedestrians, waiting while several cycles of the lights run until one favouring those on foot appears, of slipping across while there's a little gridlock happening.
We can't help feeling that there's a lack of joined up thinking here? Or a lack of joined up communication between officials, engineers and spokesperson ... let alone with community, motorists and pedestrians in Kilcullen.
"Oh petty internal Council kingdoms, please; talk to each other, at least, and give us all some ease."
Brian Byrne.