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Thursday, December 14, 2006

A big 'thank you'

I just thought I would drop you line to say a big 'thank you' for providing a fantastic link to Kilcullen.

gannonbeijingLast October you assisted my mother by posting a piece for my birthday and about my travels, on the blog. Earlier this year you posted a picture of my late grandfather Gussie, doing what he did best cutting hair and having a chat! You also posted pictures of my Dad in his usual Friday night haunt at Kilcullen Bowls Club. All of which gave me great pleasure and made that great distance from home disappear for a few minutes.

All through my travels, whenever I had internet access, I had a connection with home. I started my travels in China in March 2005. In Vietnam I bought a motorbike which brought me to Bangkok. My partner and I drove 'the beast' through Vietnam, Cambodia and Myarmar, and it died when we got to Bangkok, Thailand! It was the best 400 dollars ever spent.





We then travelled through Malaysia and Indonisia before Australia. We spent ten months in Australia -- three months working and the rest on beaches and driving around the country in our jeep.

I have had a hectic two years and now I am in the process of applying for residency here in New Zealand. Over the past two years Kilcullen blog has provided essential reading for me and for other former Kilcullen residents -- I have met some walking down streets in Vietnam, many over Australia and a couple in NZ. It may be a small town but we know how to see the world.

I would like to ask you to keep up the great work. You give many many people a valuable link to a place they may have left, but still call home.

All my best wishes to you and your avid readers for Christmas and the New Year.

Best Regards
Helena Gannon