Want to work in a special place?
An Tearmann is currently recruiting staff for the coffeeshop and catering kitchen/bakery!!!We're offering a job with a difference. Two of them, in fact. Jobs that require commitment and will challenge, but which will also provide satisfaction to the right people. They're also fun jobs if you're a fun person.
Interested? Well, you've got this far. You might as well go the distance.
An Tearmann is a busy coffee shop and bakery/ kitchen attached to The Bridge Camphill Community in Kilcullen. It is a bright and busy place, in many respects the heart of Kilcullen.
It is a direct interface between customers and several members of our community with people with special needs. We're looking for one full-time and one part time staff to help operate the business. It isn't an ordinary café job. An Tearmann is a special place and we're looking for special people to work with us.
• Don't think of it if you're just passing through briefly on a career to somewhere else. We need people prepared to be with us for some time.
• Don't waste your time coming in if you like your life to be just so, with no diversions or unexpected forks in the road. Working with us calls for some flexibility, both in time and in thinking.
• Don't consider us if you're impatient with other people, either coworkers, customers, or people with special needs. It is a key part of our ethos to be aware of and accommodate the needs of others.
We'd like candidates to have experience in catering and service to the public, an ability to understand people with special needs and to motivate and guide them in a work environment.
If you want to be part of a friendly and committed team, like to learn new skills, are flexible and adaptable and into producing and preparing organic food, An Tearmann could be your place.
Naturally, you'll be positive, organised, reliable and self-motivated.
Bottom line, we're looking for people worth a six-figure salary. Except that we won't be paying you that.
Come in and talk to us about it. We can tell you a lot more about us, and we'd like to hear a lot more about you.
Contact Mischa at An Tearmann, The Bridge Camphill Community, Kilcullen. Phone 045/481597 or e-mail.
There's a Job Description here.