Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A quacking good time.

The sun made a rare appearance for the Annual Lions Club Community Day and Duck race on Sunday the 23rd of April. The day kicked off with a number of local bands showcasing their talents in the square to the assembled crowd.

A treasure hunt made its way from Scoil Bhride to the valley, solving various clues along the way. The day finished with the Duck Race, despite the obvious attraction of the rugby match on the same day, the town turned out en-masse to witness well over 1,000 ducks make their way down the Liffey in the Spring sunshine.

Over €5,000 was raised and presented to Gerry O’Donoghue  for the charity “Operation Maintain Hope” . This donation will assist with the construction of a building for orphans in Ngong, near Nairobi in Kenya. Seven volunteers from Kilcullen will travel this June to assist with the project.

Rock stars, films stars, pirates and even Sponge Bob Square Pants together with may others showed off their elaborate costumes on stage for the judges of the fancy dress competition.

Gardaí are still looking for two oversized chickens who disrupted proceedings on the day, unsubstantiated sightings were reported in a number of public houses around the town but enquiries proved fruitless. Any information leading to their capture should bbe passed on to the relevant authorities.

Once again a big thanks to all those who took part in the day and helped make it a great success.

The Kilcullen Lions Club.