Friday, February 10, 2006

Discussion on speed limits

The situation about the speed limits in and around Kilcullen was raised at the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action.

Responding to an observation that there is a February deadline for submissions, Ray Kelly said that the KCA submissions had been in since early last year.

They include a request for a 60 km/h limit on the Sunnyhill Road, which he said is now a 'very busy' road. "It is a natural bypass for the town," he noted.

Esther Kiely said it was also the 'natural bypass' for people who want to walk around Kilcullen.

There was some further discussion about traffic matters, including a situation whereby motorists and lorry drivers are bypassing the new ramps at Scoil Bhride when travelling out of town.

Esther Kiely said it was causing a danger to residents coming out of the Castlemartin estates, who were under the impression that traffic was slowed by the ramps, but were suddenly confronted by vehicles moving much faster than they thought.

The matter had been brought to the attention of the roads engineer, with a request that the ramps be continued inwards to meet the footpath, but the response was that this would interfere with parking in the area.

Brian Byrne.