Sunday, December 11, 2005

Letter: Passing of Kilcullen Greats

Dear Brian,

2005 has been without doubt a very sad year for Kilcullen, with the loss of five men who in their own ways helped contribute to making the town so special to all who hail from there: Paddy Nugent (my uncle), Kevin Ginnity, Pat Dunlea, Paddy Mitchell and, of course, Des Byrne, (not forgetting others' loved ones who passed away this year from the area also).

The foundations were laid by these great Kilcullenites and the future is now secure for others to follow in their footsteps.

And by the way, thanks for the Diary. It is great to keep up with the goings-on at home.

Kind Regards,

Michael Nugent
(Formerly of Moanbane Park.)