Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Letter from Mexico

Hello, all at home in Ireland. I’m Daivid Berney, I live in Mexico, which, for the record, IS NOT all a desert with cactuses and people wearing huge hats!!

No, in fact Mexico, at least in Mexico City where I live, is a huge city, with over 24 million people. I go to a School Called the Edron Academy, but that’s not too important so we can skip it :-).

Here in Mexico there is no Gaelic Football, or Hurling, so I have to teach my friends all about these sports. Most Mexicans, if not all, love football, so my friends don't fully grasp the fact you can pick up the ball in Gaelic football.

With my school I have visited many parts of Mexico; it is a beautiful country, with lots of art and culture, it’s a place with LOTS of historical value, I have been to Teotihuacán, a archaeological site full of pyramids, five times! And to other sites many times, each time you learn more and more.

One of the things I love most about Mexico is the different types of animals. Wherever you go in Mexico there is always a different type of animal to see. If you go to the coast you can see jellyfish so big it's scary, or fishes with such dazzling colours it's amazing. If you go to the jungle areas you can see Monkeys, jaguars and if you’re lucky, a bird called a Quetzal -- it is so beautiful, but it is almost extinct.

If you go to a desert area, you will see snakes and scorpions.

In short, Mexico is a wonderful country, I enjoy it here, and if anyone from home wants to visit, my doors are open.

That’s my class, 9a

They are some of the girls: Ana Sofía, Melissa H., Raquel, Maria Z., Natalia and Andrea.

That’s Melissa, Eddy and Alfonso, but we call him Ponchito.

That’s most of my class.

That’s Mr Grimshaw, he is our English teacher.

Daivid Berney.

ED Note: Daivid used to live in Kilcullen. His mum is Mary Berney.