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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Community Awards Night 2005

Kilcullen Community Action would like to invite you to the Community Awards Night on Friday October 28 at 8pm in the Town Hall.

This year we would like you to join with us in recognising the tremendous achievement of Kilcullen Pitch and Putt Club members on their participation in the Kildare County Team which won the Ladies All Ireland for the fifth time in eleven year and also to Laura Cogan from Brannockstown who has brought great honour to our community through her excellence at Shot Putt at National and International level.

We will also be presenting the annual Tidy Towns Awards with prizes for best Business Premises, Floral Display, Best Estate etc.

Over the last few years Kilcullen has made great strides in the Tidy Towns Competition and this year the town moved into third place in County Kildare. It will be difficult to make further progress without support from everyone in the community.

We would like to thank all those who helped make Kilcullen a better place to live in 2005 and we look forward to an even better year in 2006. Plans for the coming year include completion of the Athy Road Landscaping with the centerpiece sculpture being put in place and we will be promoting greater use of flowers throughout the town in the summer of 2006.

This year we will also be upgrading the infrastructure for the Christmas Lights and this will require a substantial investment. Further details of this will be circulated in the near future.

Looking forward to your support on October 28th.

Ronan Murphy.