Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Kilcullen 'building on core values'

Kilcullen is 'showing good progress' according to the report from the adjudicators in the 2005 Tidy Towns competition.

The town is building well on its 'integral core values' of the river, the bridge and the attractive streetscape, they say in their general impressions of Kilcullen.

On the bridge specifically, they say that it is important that the 'lovely structure' be highlighted 'as best as can be done'. They also commended the Credit Union as a 'very imposing building' that 'adds well to the built environment of the town'.

Bardons and the the Town Hall again came in for positive comment, as did in general the business premises along the street, though 'there are still some that require attention'.

The judges were pleased with the landscape development of the riverside areas, and say that the Dun Ailline project work is 'very rewarding'. They also commended the 'attractive appearances' of the new estates, and the retention of mature trees in the landscaping of Cnoc na Greine.

Road surfaces and the condition of footpaths, especially going towards the church and down towards the bridge, came in for some criticism, and the adjudicators suggested a need for better definition between roadside surfaces and verge areas in some places.

Because Kilcullen has entered the upper section of the competition, it received a second round adjudication in early August.

This judge's previous experience of Kilcullen had been of a 'quiet village' on stops at the Hideout on journeys south. Now he found it a 'vibrant town'.

He also said that the town seems to be coping well with the increase in population, 'clearly due to the work of community action'.

Out of a possible 300 marks, Kilcullen received 232 and was placed third in the county in its category.

The extra three points that came this year were in the Built Environment, Landscaping and Residential Areas categories.

Brian Byrne.