Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Christmas lights to be 'outsourced'?

A suggestion that a local electrical company provide and maintain the Christmas lights for Kilcullen was well received at the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action.

Ray Kelly, who organised the lights last year on a voluntary basis, said he didn't have the time 'or the interest' to repeat the exercise this year.

He said that local electrician Enda Dunne, who provided the service for Naas last Christmas, had offered to do them in Kilcullen this year.

"An initial estimate suggests the service would cost between €6,000-€8,000, which would include the capital cost of lights to add to our existing stock," he said. "It would also include the cost of brackets, maintaining the lights during the Christmas season, and taking them down and storing them for next year."

He said the contractor had already come up with suggestions for highlight areas around the Credit Union and the Town Hall.

Agreeing with the idea, Herbie Sheehan said that even from a health ad safety issue, such projects needed to have qualified people doing them.

The question of financing the lights provoked further discussion, with Ray Kelly recalling that the last 'trawl' of the community for lights three yeears ago 'got a fair response'.

Tony Gahan said that there were a lot of new businesses in the town, and it was worthwhile doing 'another trawl'.

But Orla O'Neill suggested that developers should be tapped for the money, as they were 'making a lot of money out of the town'. "It is the people who can afford it should pay for it, not the smaller businesses who get hit all the time."

Tony Gahan said the KCA had written to every developer over the last few years, 'and we didn't get a penny out of them'. But Noel Clare demurred, instancing a number of situations where developers had contributed to various areas and organisations, 'not necessarily through KCA'.

Orla O'Neill, reiterating that €6,000-€8,000 seemed to be a 'lot to expect from the small group of businesses' noted that developers also benefited from a good-looking display. "People interested in buying homes are more likely to do so here if the place is tidy and looks good," she said.

Siobhan Tutty Bardon said the residents benefited too, so they should also be able to pay a little.

Noel Clare recalled that the last appeal to residents had 'brought €5 notes from everywhere'.

"Yes, but they are the same people who are contributing to everything in the parish," Herbie Sheehan noted.

Niall McDonnell said he didn't think that KCA should be funding the lights. "If the people of Kilcullen want them, then they should pay for them," he said.

In the end it was agreed that a group from the meeting should progress the matter further. They include Siobhan Tutty Bardon, Orla O'Neill, Tony Gahan, Sheila O'Reilly and Ray Kelly.

Brian Byrne.