Saturday, August 13, 2005

Speed limit clarified

People may be thinking that the new traffic-calming measures being constructed on the Curragh Road outside Scoil Bhride might include a speed limit of 30 km/h, as the '30' signs written on the road could suggest.

However, the Diary has checked it out with Kildare County Council and the limit will actually remain the same as it is, 50 km/h.

According to the Council's public affairs spokesman, our own Charlie Talbot, 30 km/h 'is legally possible', but would require bye-law support.

"Limits across the county will be reviewed in next few months and bye-laws will follow," he says. "Options open at that stage will be introduction of 30 km/h limits at some locations, but no decision has been made yet for any such case."

It is understood the traffic calming, which will also include pedestrian lights opposite the school, should be in place for the beginning of the new school year.

Brian Byrne.