Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Saint is back in town

As far as Kilcullen is concerned, there's only one 'Saint', and he has nothing to do with the fictional ramblings of author Leslie Charteris.

But Donal St Leger is home in Kilcullen again at the moment, and the Diary caught up with him in O'Connell's this week, having a drink with his wife Virginia and friends Mick Spencer and Hazel.

The Saint emigrated from Kilcullen exactly 50 years ago and worked in New York and New Jersey until he retired in 2001, after spending most of his working life with the Drakes Bakery company, originally a division of food giant Borden International

"Borden had local connections in Athy," the Saint recalled. "In fact, Jack Wall, now a TD, worked there."

Donal first worked for another outfit, selling apple pies, before he got into Drakes, but the day he joined them they were able to tell him the very day he would retire.

And there's no doubt that he's looking well in his retirement. Back home in New Jersey, he's a daily viewer of the Diary.

"Keep it going," he said. "It's very important to people like me, the Kilcullen people abroad."

Brian Byrne.