Monday, August 22, 2005

Info evening on third level

The KYS Youth Information Centre in Naas will hold an information evening for young people starting university or college this autumn.

Speakers from the Student Grants Section of Kildare Co. Council will advise parents and students with regard to applying for student grants.

MABS the Money Advice and Budgeting Service will be on hand to give students tips on managing their finances, bills, rent and other expenses while living away from home. Staff from the Youth Information Centre will also be on hand to answer any general queries that young people may have concerning the transition to college life.

Moving away from home and starting third level education can be a challenging time for young people and the aim of the evening is to provide support to students and their families at this time.

There will be an opportunity for one to one advice at the end of the meeting.

The Information Evening will take place on Wed. 24th August at 8pm in KYS, Canal Stores, Basin Street, Naas. For further information please contact Youth Information Centre, KYS, Canal Stores, Basin Street, Naas, Co. Kildare