Friday, July 08, 2005

Mystery of missing bench deepens

A bench at Hillside which had been thought stolen last year had actually been taken away by Kildare County Council, Kilcullen Community Action has been told.

KCA chairman Kieran Forde said the seat had been removed because a local resident complained of anti-social behaviour by late night drinkers using it.

The matter only came to light when KCA's Ray Kelly recently arrived with a replacement seat and the resident said she didn't want it installed.

The woman concerned had previously consulted with Kildare County Council on the problem. Kieran Forde said the Council employee had said they would 'look after it'. However, workers had cut off the bolts and locks that retained the seat, and had removed it 'without informing anybody'.

When the local authority was approached by Ray Kelly he was informed the bench 'might have been given back to someone in the Tidy Towns'.

"But we are not aware of this," the chairman continued. "It was our property. We had keys for the locks on it but the Council cut them and took it away. So we now have the replacement bench, and perhaps will also yet have the original."

Herbie Sheehan pointed out that many elderly people had used the seat for a rest after walking up the steep hill.

Esther Kiely wondered if one of the seats could be erected in The Valley instead?

Kieran Forde subsequently told the Diary it was a shame that the bad behaviour of some people meant that the elderly were deprived of a much-needed place to rest.

Trish Whelan.