Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Market Square development begins

With the Bord Pleanala appeal process now out of the way and things cleared to go ahead, work is beginning in earnest on the Market Square Development.

Shuttering is up. And possibly by the time this gets to be read, the early demolitions of the two houses on the square itself will have been accomplished.

The Diary feels the end result can only be good.

What is now rubbish land will have been turned into something useful.

The square area will be on the way to a revitalisation that may well see it as Kilcullen's true centre in a relatively few years.

The riverbank itself will be opened up to use by the residents of Kilcullen and visitors to the town.

One of the biggest riverside eyesores for decades -- the Council Yard -- will have been relocated to a less obtrusive area.

And the development will have done its own part in ensuring -- as have all the other developments here in the last few years -- that Kilcullen becomes increasingly vibrant and continues on its path of becoming probably the best place in mid-Kildare to be.

Brian Byrne.