Thursday, July 21, 2005

CCTV mooted for Kilcullen

The possibility of getting 'pre-development' funding for a public CCTV system in Kilcullen is to be investigated.

The funding is available from the Department of Justice & Law Reform, and a number of individuals are to be asked by Kilcullen Community Action if they would progress the idea. There is a September 20 closing date for applications.

"We would need a dedicated group to work on it, to meet the deadline," Noel Clare said. "As KCA we're all too busy just now."

Esther Kiely suggested that a CCTV system in the Valley would be useful in combatting vandalism and other anti-social behaviour there.

Noel Clare noted that there are a number of private CCTV systems in the town, including one at the Cross & Passion College. "And they do work ... from the time we put it in the school, vandalism virtually stopped. If there was a system on the street, it would make things a lot safer."

He suggested that cameras needed only to be set up at either end of the Valley, to record who went in and out at various times. Herbie Sheehan agreed, saying that if the current spate of vandalism was to be defeated, 'we have to do something'.

Brian Byrne.