Thursday, June 09, 2005

Resurfacing ... to a point

As a regular walker on the road, it was good to see some resurfacing being done on part of the Sunnyhill road last week.

I'm sure that motorists who use it will be pleased too. And maybe there are plans to do the rest as far as the Curragh Road soon?

However, I'm puzzled as to why the job wasn't completed at the Athy Road end, that it was stopped short about 30 metres from the junction which is in an absolutely desperate condition?

Maybe that part isn't covered by the allocation to rural roads, and is part of the NRA's responsibility? If so, it's a daft situation, because that is just the part of the road where a bad surface could put a car out of control as it turns down into the Sunnyhill road.

Also, I see that it has a sign warning it to be a 'temporary surface' and is not lined (yet). Presumably, though, this is the 'final' surface, and is NOT the controversial next-to-final surface which has been reported to be part of the reason for the horrible school bus crash in County Meath?

If it is not the final one, then presumably the standard 80 km/h speed limit is not suitable.

Just wondering ...

— Brian Byrne.