Remembering the 'Grass Roots'
In a recent article in the magazine Heritage Outlook, Heritage Council member Nessa Dunlea considers her time with the Council and offers some advice for local heritage groups.I am a local heritage activist who was fortunate to have been given the opportunity to serve as a member of the Heritage Council. I had little or no knowledge of the Heritage Council and was very apprehensive at our first meeting.
The first thing that struck me was the standard of expertise - the committed heritage specialists, among both the council members and the members of staff - that was available to us, the 'grass roots' community groups.
Unfortunately, many of the small local heritage groups are not aware of the support system available to them from the Heritage Council. This has been addressed somewhat by the introduction of Heritage Officers into almost every County Council in Ireland, an initiative of the Heritage Council. These officers are vital as a link between the grass roots and the Heritage Council.As Chairperson of a small heritage group in Kilcullen, Co Kildare, a town where the population has more than doubled in the past two years, I feel that we have the responsibility to preserve, protect and record our heritage so that our new residents can achieve a sense of belonging and ownership of where they have come to live.
I know that a lot of other small towns are in the same position so, be aware - get out there - gather that information and avail of the expertise and grants that are available through the Heritage Council. Call on your local Heritage Officers for assistance - whether for information, advice, or help in filling out grant forms - so that we, the 'grass roots', and the Heritage Council can work together to preserve, protect and enhance our heritage.
Now as my five-year tenure comes to a close, I know the incredible resource and expertise that is available to all of us from Heritage Council members and particularly the staff of the Heritage Council. I really enjoyed the experience of working with them and learning from them, and I wish them all continued success in the future.
Nessa Dunlea.