Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Reporters wanted

A Kilcullen Diary has been set up as a community resource, and with that in mind, the Diary is looking for community reporters.

The job description is simple: if you are a member of any of the various community or sports groups in Kilcullen, we would welcome regular reports of your organisation's activities. An example is the recent reporting of Kilcullen's GAA Aldridge Cup progress by John Martin.

In addition, the Diary requires an alternate general reporter prepared to attend some meetings which the Editor cannot make because of pressures of work, and provide accurate independent reports.

As the Diary is not an income-generating operation, there is no payment possible for any contribution. But, as a professional journalist for almost thirty years, I never forget that I cut my writing teeth on 'The Bridge' many years ago, and perhaps the Diary might start some other person on the road to a career in the craft. In that respect, I am always willing to advise, help and train anyone with such an interest.

- Brian Byrne.

©2005 as published and individually to the contributors concerned. Email us or phone 086 8267104