A walk through memories
A group of Kilcullen 'veterans' are planning to undertake a 'walk down memory lane' on Monday afternoon next (23 April).They will include Gilly Collins (right), Sully Sullivan, Skinner 0'Brien, Ray Donoghue, and Nicky Myers. There is the possibility of a guest appearance, by public demand, of 'The Saint', direct from Broadway NYC.
The group -- with a combined age of over 415 years -- will view ancient artifacts, including themselves, in The Heritage Centre, walk down The Rocks, past The Table Rock, past the Sewerage Plant and down to The Weir under Castlemartin House.
Crossing the new bridge at Castlemartin, the group will explore the Church and Icehouse, then walk back along the riverbank (bending low so Mrs Blacker won't see us from the drawingroom window) and on to the Boathouse and Laurel Walk.
Nightlines will be inspected, and if there is a trout or an eel caught it will be fried in Fallons (Bemeys) where, in the words of the Major Mitchell when he was in charge of the Boxing Club bar in the Imaal Hall in Dunlavin in 1958 which showed a loss at the end of the night, the food is 'on me'. All stories told during the day will be subject to a lie detector test.
Jim Collins.
ED: The Diary has now been informed that all available places on the expedition have been filled.