Told to remove windows
Kildare County Council has given the developer of the office/retail development beside The Hideout nine days to remove 'unauthorised' windows on the gable end of the building.
In a Warning Letter from the Planning Department issued on 12 February, Jim Browne of Clane was told that the five windows appear to be 'unauthorised development' following the department's investigation to date, and must be removed by February 21.
The move follows a complaint to the Conservation and Compliance Section of Kildare County Council.According to the complaint, the windows -- which were not on the plans for which permission was granted -- are a health and safety hazard because they open onto a petrol delivery stand on the neighbouring filling station. Tankers carrying up to 40,000 litres are regularly on the stand, with deliveries conducted under rigid statutory safety regulations.
Kilcullen Community Action is also making representations to Kildare County Council about the development, which has recently been described as 'monstrous', and a 'bunker'.
The matter was raised at the last meeting of KCA, which heard that up to nine deviations from the planning permission may have occurred.
The developer has also been told that an Enforcement Notice may be issued if the request to remove the windows is not complied with, and that the penalties for an offence under the relevant regulations include fines of up to 12.7 million euros and up to two years imprisonment.
Brian Byrne.