Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Graveyard tap problem

People who regularly tend graves of loved ones at St Brigid's Cemetery would like Kildare County Council to provide a better tap at the gate for filling watering cans.


There is already a tap there, connected to the water mains, but without any way of turning it on or off.

In order to get water to flow they have to turn on the supply with a stopcock in a manhole in the ground full of dirty water.


gravetapRegulars who use the facility bring rubber gloves, but that would be unnecessary if there was a proper tap. A spring-loaded kind that turns off automatically when released would be perfectly adequate.

The graveyard is otherwise very well kept by the Council, a fact which has been expressed many times to the Diary. But this small thing would make it that much better.

Brian Byrne.