Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hotel opening imminent

Pretty well every day, your editor gets stopped and asked about the new hotel reported on recently, writes Brian Byrne.

Well, it’s very imminent now, as can be seen by the sign pointing to the site at Hillside.

For clarification, it’s NOT a hotel for people, it’s a ‘Bug Hotel’ where insects and other tiny animals can locate and their life watched by those with an interest in such things.

Many of the some 2,000 insects that live in a typical garden are very beneficial to the local environment, and providing habitats for them can attract lots of these. Think bees, for instance, essential for pollination and therefore growth of flowers and vegetables.

The one planned for Hillside is a project of KCA/Tidy Towns, and could be a template for people who’d like to build one in their own gardens.

Bug Hotels can be built from a variety of waste materials (above), or you can order them ready made or ‘flat pack’ from the likes of Amazon.

There’s a very clear piece about it here, courtesy of the BBC.