Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Nolans beats all in these islands

Winners alright! James and Emma Nolan receiving the award for the 'UK & Ireland Best Butcher Shop' at the Countryside Alliance Annual Awards in London. With them are UK Minister for Fisheries Richard Beynon and food expert Clarissa Dickson-Wright. Pic: Peter Anderson/Anderson Photography.

Nolan’s of Kilcullen was this afternoon named as The Best Butcher Shop in Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales at the Countryside Alliance Annual Awards in London. 

Beating over 3,000 entries James and Emma Nolan received the top award at a glittering prize giving ceremony at the House of Lords, London. 

James Nolan was understandably very proud of the award but he was quick to acknowledge the incredibly loyal support from all his customers. He also paid tribute to his hard working staff, many of whom are with him for over 20 years and in particular he acknowledged the lifelong work and dedication of his father, Andy, who is still involved in the business today.

First to congratulate James and Emma was Peter Bacon who was representing Countryside Alliance Ireland at the Awards ceremony. David Fitzsimons of Retail Excellence Ireland added his good wishes and said 'it came as no surprise' to him. "Nolan Butchers richly deserve this award as they are known all over Ireland for their outstanding butcher shop." 

Dave Lang from the Associated Craft Butchers of Ireland said that James, Andy, Emma and the team in Kilcullen work hard at making the store a destination for food lovers, and their efforts are reflected in the honours they have achieved. "We are delighted to hear of Nolan’s success in the Countryside Alliance awards 2011, and wish James and his team every success for the future.”

The Countryside Alliance Awards, nicknamed the ‘Rural Oscars’, celebrate the characters, skills, traditions and enterprise of the countryside through the people who work so hard to make it tick. The Awards are public-nomination led, meaning each business is put forward by a supportive customer.

Lyall Plant, Chief Executive of Countryside Alliance Ireland, described Nolans as 'a real beacon of excellence'. "James Nolan is the fourth generation to own the shop and his energy and ideas are inspiring, and inspire his staff."

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