Planning applications
A planning application has been lodged for a new pedestrian bridge across the Liffey from the upstream end of the Market Square development.
The application, by Nessa Dunlea, is for a construction of painted steel finish, 27.5m long and 2.9m wide. It will include a stainless steel railing with timber handrail.
The application was lodged on 15 February and is due for decision by 11 April. The last date for submissions is 22 March.
Previous posts on this subject:
Pedestrian bridge proposed
Support for bridge idea
A view of the bridgeMeanwhile, Eddie Cross (right) has applied for a change of use permission, from a restaurant previously granted at Bardons Public House, for a bookmakers office.
He is also looking for permission to make minor alterations to the protected structure in the form of a window to be replaced by a door.
The application was lodged on 22 February and a decision is due by 18 April. The last date for submission on the application is 29 March.
Brian Byrne.